Insights Into Data Quality. Know Your Data. Know Your Issues.

Case Study


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A large superannuation administrator faced data quality issues, resulting in inaccurate analytics and decision-making.  Multiple data sources fed into their analytics and reporting systems, leading to to poor customer marketing, increased level of complaints, project overrun due to data issues and ultimately, revenue loss.


To address the data quality challenges, they used InvestigateDQ to implement a comprehensive data quality improvement strategy that leveraged a default set of rules for all the funds they administered. Dashboards and widgets were used to gain better insights into their data issues.


The implementation of InvestigateDQ's customisable dashboards and widgets for data quality monitoring and remediation empowered our client to gain a better understanding of their data, proactively address data quality issues, and achieve improved decision-making, cost reduction, and revenue growth.


Get in touch with our expert team and transform your data quality today.


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